Following the instructions of the Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González, to continue strengthening the offer of tourism of the State , the attractions of the entity were presented through videoconference, as well as the actions that are applied in the current yellow traffic light stage due to the health contingency.
The head of the Secretariat of Tourism, Jorge Enrique Manos Esparragoza, led this event within the framework of the collaboration agreement signed by the respective secretariats of the sector, of the States of the Mundo Maya Mexico Region: Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.
Manos Esparragoza pointed out that Mundo Maya is a competitive product and that each of the states complements the regional offer. In addition, he confirmed that the objective of this alliance is to strengthen the joint development of programs, innovate tourism promotion, as well promote the region.
He stressed that Campeche is the first state in the country to go in the stage of the yellow traffic light , which represents a very important achievement of the work of Governor Aysa González, since the measures and actions implemented by his administration, since the beginning of the pandemic, Today they give result always prioritizing the health of the population so that in due course we can provide confidence and security to visitors.
During the presentation of the numerous sites of interest that Campeche offers, its two World Heritage sites stood out: The City of San Francisco de Campeche, Cultural Heritage; and Calakmul, mixed heritage. Also the Palizada Magical Town, the activities of the Laguna de Term in Ciudad del Carmen and those of Isla Arena, Calkiní; as well as the new cultural and nature tourism products, with which tourism will be boosted, initially locally, then regionally, nationally and internationally, successively.
Campeche is ready, stated the official, and has received the international certification of the Safe Travel Seal (Travel Safety Stamp) granted by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) based on the application of the protocols established by health authorities; as well as the Punto Limpio certification for hotel companies, restaurants and travel agencies.
Translated by Patricia Rubio