Governor receives from the Karim´s Group the first donation of medical clothing; will deliver more than 100 thousand quality pieces

In support of the actions that the Government of Campeche carried out to ensure the protection of workers ‘ health against the pand emia of the COVID-19, the president of the Group Karim’s , Yusuf Andani , gave Governor Carlos Miguel aysa González one first gift ativo medical clothing first quality integrated by 20 m il 265 pieces of more than 100,000 that the company co mplementará in the coming days .

This morning, in facilities of the maquiladora plant located in this city, the president and the secretary of Sal ud, José Luis González Pinzón, received as part of the clothing made with antibacterial material , 15 thousand masks, two thousand 585 hospital pants , one thousand 760 ca misolas and 920 isolation surgical gowns. Tomorrow is delivered ra to S ECRETARIAT Health one batch of five thousand masks N 95, with sideradas the only cover mouth s antivirus.

Hospital clothing has been produced with the most advanced fabric that is used in medical clothing in the United States, as it is c onfeccionada products anti flammable s , antibacterial and antiderr to pantes guaranteeing protection of professional health and high levels hygiene in patient care, explained the businessman .

Between units is granted pediatric components clothing made flameproof and reversible garments for medical use and nurses , and coats co insulation n elements of carbon fiber unsightly attic and antibacterial .

After delivery of the donation, the governor thanked the support of the textile company to health actions carried out in the state to meet with inputs premium corp contingency munity , and generally recognized throughout the industry Campeche business for the support it is giving, from their respective activities .

«Go the agradecim ent of the folksy people, through me . We are prepared for this and to get ahead; the people of Campeche are good, supportive and hard-working. Diffic are moments iles , but we’re not sleeping , we are working for your health , «he remarked the head of the Executive .

Meanwhile, Yusuf Andani expressed his appreciation to the governor for having acted ahead of the world outbreak of the coronavirus and taking the right preventive measures to reduce the number of infections among the campechanos.

“I think that the work that the State is doing welcomes me with great applause and I also believe that at the end of the day, each campechano, each Mexican, will be grateful because we will have much less impact on the health of each one from us ”, he added .

In addition, he acknowledged the workforce of the textile because it continues working in the production of health supplies needed n to help save thousands of lives.

For its part, the national vice president of the National Federation of Physicians of Mexico ( Fen ACOME ), Jorge Manuel Flores Silva , who witnessed the delivery of the donation, said they are quality products and contribute n to strengthen equip amiento with which has the Ministry of Health to protect personnel.

«These s on excellent quality products and first world; definitely if the health sector is prepared, with this it will be much better. And it n a tour we did yesterday we found that there are inputs for the protection d and doctors, nurses and paramedics, and with this will further strengthen the sector , «he said.

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