Finding local organic vegetables in the Yucatan Peninsula can be difficult, due to the lack of soil in the Peninsula; most of the fruits and vegetables have to be brought from other places. Even healthy food like spinach can be contaminated with chemical or organic elements, and little is known about the effects that those chemicals can cause in our body, soil and water.
With proper planning and a compost bin, almost anybody can have an organic vegetable patch in the Yucatan Peninsula. If you lack the space and the motivation to do so, maybe planting a traditional Chaya Plant is a great alternative to growing a whole garden. This plant has three times more nutrients than spinach and it is easy to find and grow everywhere in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Chaya: Characteristics and Nutrition Facts
The Chaya Plant, also known as Tree Spinach is a bush that can reach up to 10 feet in height. It has big green leaves and a fragile stem that can produce a sticky white liquid when it breaks. For centuries, people in the Yucatan Peninsula have been consuming this plant, as it is rich in nutrients, flavorful and easy to grow.
Nutritionists claim that the Chaya provides enormous benefits to the human body, it improves blood circulation, regulates blood sugar and blood pressure. It also aids digestion as it has a good amount of fiber. This nutrition powerhouse has other nutrients that are highly beneficial to our body as well.

The best part about Chaya is that because it is indigenous plant it is really easy to grow in the Riviera Maya and #Campeche State and in the all Yucatan Peninsula. If you find a Chaya plant, take a stem and break it in to foot long pieces, stick them in the soil and voila; your tree spinach will grow at an amazing rate and will be producing nutrition packed leaves in no time.

Chaya: Benefits of Consuming the Mayan Spinach
The Chaya is a natural source of vitamin A, vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, iron, protein and minerals. It also provides a boost of energy, and some people claim that it even has an anti-stress effect.
Some of the benefits of consuming Chaya are: improved blood circulation, a better digestion, and it is aids with cases of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It also helps to lower cholesterol, reduce weight gain and to disinfect the lungs preventing coughs.
Eating Chaya can increase the calcium in bones, as the Chaya has more natural calcium than the traditional spinach. Chaya also has a massive amount of iron, which prevents anemia, improve memory and brain function. Some people believe it can help against arthritis and diabetes.

Because this regional plant is easy to grow and maintain it is a great starter plant for your new home in Mexico. Providing many nutritional and healing benefits Chaya really is a Mayan superfood.