Due to the coming weeks being projected as the most crucial of the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González asked the population to make a great effort to stay in their homes and follow the recommendations to maintain healthy distance, the continuous hand washing and the use of mouth covers

When leading the work meeting of the State Coordinating Center COVID-19,he, stressed that  the health authorities considered, if health regulations are not followed, in the month of May it is  the most critical stage of the spread of the virus  and with this we will be putting in crucial moment the entire health system.

«It is important to prevent people from going out on the street because the less contact between people, there is less risk of contagion. We must make conscience that it is necessary to comply with the confinement and only, in extreme cases, whoever has the need to leave home ,they should apply the recommendations given, «he said.

Likewise, the governor expressed his appreciation to the state and federal authorities, the Armed Forces and Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), for having reinforced the work coordination  and taken decisions to help protect the health of the population.

During the evaluation of the actions carried out by the pandemic, the health secretary, José Luis González Pinzón, the current panorama of the disease, the care given to patients and the health verification program at oil facilities, government offices and businesses.

The Secretary of Civil Protection, Édgar Hernández Hernández, reported on the sanitation work carried out in public spaces such as main avenues, markets and self-service stores; while the executive secretary of the State Council for Public Security, Fernando Bolívar Galera, announced that there are already 105 localities that they have decided to restrict access as a preventive measure.

On behalf of Pemex, the manager of Health Security in the Marine Region, José Antonio Tovar Iglesias, reported on the sanitary inspection activities that, jointly with state health officials and Navy authorities, were carried out on the Reforma hotel ship; He explained the progress made by the worker landing program and reported that the personnel who have returned to land have not presented symptoms of infection.

Finally, representatives of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) showed the results of the plan to review electrical installations carried out in hospital areas of the state at the request of the state government, in order to ensure that they function optimally and ensure timely attention to the patients.

Translate  by Patricia Rubio

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