The restart of economic activity in the state will be provided by the health authority, it will be gradual and must be subject to new health provisions to prevent the massive outbreak of the coronavirus, determined Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González during the meeting of the State Coordinating Center COVID-19.

After reviewing the actions that the three government orders jointly carry out to contain the spread of the disease, the state president -before the president of the Superior Court of Justice, Miguel Ángel Chuc López-, recognized the Judicial Power for implement a series of norms that guarantee the provision of services to society and the administration of justice.
During the meeting at the House of Governors, Aysa González verified with the Secretary of Tourism, Jorge Manos Esparragoza, the progress of the integration of the new system of rules that the hotel and restaurant sectors must comply with on a mandatory basis.
Emphatically, the governor asked the Minister of Tourism to continue meeting with businessmen in the industry so that they jointly analyze the provisions that will be in force with the reopening of the activity, and begin to raise awareness among all those involved about the importance of moving back to the industry, as well as ensuring the integrity of all visitors, workers, and their families.
“We must be ready for this new reality; It is something that we were not used to, but now it will be necessary to comply rigorously to take care of how much we have advanced in the tourism sector, preserve jobs and ensure the health of all, ”he said.
The president of the Superior Court of Justice, Miguel Ángel Chuc López, explained that the Judiciary was one of the last organisms to stop its activities, but it did so partially and applying sanitary measures among the personnel on duty, since the activity it carries out it is essential for the population.
He said that some services continue to be provided to the community at a different rate than usual, but when the health authority so provides, they will gradually resume work and reinforce the application of hygiene and social distance standards.
For his part, the executive secretary of the State Council for Public Security, Fernando Bolívar Galera, presented the most recent report by the executive secretariat of the National Public Security System on crime incidence.
He added that Campeche was located, again, in 32nd place for being the state with the lowest number of criminal acts in the country, since it registered 13 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants.
The meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the Government, Pedro Armentía López; Social and Human Development, Christian Castro Bello; Health, José Luis González Pinzón and Public Security, Jorge Argáez Uribe; the delegate of federal Development programs, Katia Meave Ferniza; the national coordinator of the National Guard, Federico Prieto Anota and the representatives of the Armed Forces.