Of the 206 beds, 101 have a mechanical ventilator and monitor for the care of critically ill patients by COVID-19.

The State Health Sector has 206 beds available as part of the “Hospital Reconversion Plan” to attend seriously ill patients with Covid-19 in 11 public institutions and the Campeche Clinic in the state capital. At this time, 20% occupancy is recorded.

During phase 3 of the health emergency, the Secretary of Health, Dr. José Luis González Pinzón, reported that the Hospital “Dr. Manuel Campos ”is 100% COVID-19, it is the only hospital in the entity that exclusively cares for patients with this disease.
In Campeche, the Specialty Hospital “Dr. Javier Buenfil Osorio ”, the General Hospital of Zone No. 1 of the IMSS and the Hospital Clinic“ Dr. Patricio Trueba de Regil from ISSSTE, and in Carmen, the Hospital “Dra. María del Socorro Quiroga Aguilar ”, and the General Hospital of Zone, No.4 of the IMSS are the six registered in the informative platform of Serious Acute Respiratory Infections (IRAG) of federal level.

In addition to these hospitals, five other Medical-Hospital Units in the state attend to suspected or confirmed patients, according to the condition or rightfulness: Rural Welfare Hospitals in Hecelchakán and Mamantel; the ISSSTE Clinic of Carmen, the PEMEX General Hospital of Carmen and the Naval Clinic of this same city.
In total there are 11 hospitals whose joint capacity «converted» refers to a current availability of 206 available beds, of which 101 have a mechanical ventilator and monitor for the care of critically ill patients. Specialist and general practitioners have also been organized and redistributed to meet the demand for hospital care.
As of May 5, approximately 206 patients have been treated in these units, with any of the following conditions related to COVID-19: 92 positive, 114 negative and 16 under study. During this period, an average of 30 patients was recorded, with the highest peak on April 30, with 47 hospitalized and the use of 3 mechanical ventilators in critically ill patients.
It is worth mentioning that the Campeche Clinic in the state capital is the only private institution with a permanent report of cases before the Ministry of Health.
In Campeche, citizen participation has been magnificent, which has allowed us to have the hospital capacity to attend to those who have required it; however, it has not been enough, we need more participation, let us not let our guard down.