Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González Presents School Calendar Reorganization Plan

Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González presented the reorganization plan for the School Calendar for Basic Education that stipulates the conclusion for distance classes on Friday, June 5, and on the 19th the closing of the 2019-2020 school year; It also foresees on August 10 the beginning of the new school year 2020-2021.

At the meeting of the State Coordinating Center COVID-19, Aysa González specified that, although the strategy projects a specific date to start of the new cycle, this does not mean that the return to classes in classrooms is already being ensured, since that will remain determined by the epidemiological traffic light, that is, when it is green because all the guarantees of care and safety of the students will already be available.

When expanding the information on the plan, the Secretary of Education, Ricardo Koh Cambranis, indicated that in its preparation the measures and protocols that the health authorities have determined to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, such as sanitation, cleaning and implementation of three filters: home-school-classroom.

During the presentation of the calendar, the official added that on June 8 the School Technical Council will be held; On the 18th and 19th of the same month, the results of the evaluation will be communicated and report cards and certificates will be delivered virtually, and the end of the school year will be on the 19th.

From July 20 to 31, the intensive training phase of the School Technical Council will take place; In August the regularization process will take place and from 3 to 5 of that month the school cleaning day will take place.

Registrations and re-registrations for the 2020-2021 school year will open on August 6 and 7; From the 10th to the 28th of the same month, the diagnostic evaluation and the reinforcement plan will be carried out, meanwhile the professors recess has been established from June 22 to July 17.

José Antonio Tovar Iglesias, manager of Health Security in the Pemex Marine Region, reported the preventive actions that continue to be applied by COVID-19 in the oil facilities and the maritime terminal to monitor the health conditions of the workers who go up and getting off the platforms. He also gave an account of the activities that are already taking place due to the start of the rainy season and tropical cyclones.

The Secretary of Health, José Luis González Pinzón, asserted that Campeche is still at a red epidemiological traffic light due to the 684 accumulated cases that are registers, a situation that forces the maintenance of confinement and only is allow essential activities to be in operation.

Translated by Patricia Rubio

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