Faced with the health emergency that is being experienced throughout the country to stop the transmission of the coronavirus, Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González considered it essential that Petróleos Mexicanos has ratified the will to strengthen the alliance with Campeche and the commitment to work together, to guarantee the protection and tranquility of the population.

In the framework of the meeting of the Roundtable for the Construction of Peace, where the manager of Safety, Health ,Work and Environmental Protection,of  Pemex Marine Region, José Antonio Tovar Iglesias, was present, the state governor stressed that it is important that the oil company has joined the coordinated actions of the three levels of government, with  the purpose  to reduce the effects that the disease could cause in the social and economic sectors.

«Pemex has always been an ally in the development of the state and now that we face an adverse situation due to the spread of COVID-19, it is necessary that we join efforts and close ranks for the good of the population, since we must be aware that this is a very serious matter, as evidenced by the ravages that the pandemic has caused worldwide, «he said.

José Antonio Tovar Iglesias

He noted that public and private organizations, as well as the society, should not wait for the health situation to become complicated before beginning to act, while commenting that within the State Committee on Health Safety – setting aside the policy and assuming unity, responsibilities and commitments – from the beginning of March, preventive measures began to be taken in advance and gradually strengthened in coordination with the federal and municipal authorities.

Likewise, he asked companies to provide non-essential services, stop their activities and that the population comply with the hygiene and social distancing recommendations issued, because the emergency has not yet passed and the risk of contagion is latent.

For his part, Tovar Iglesias confirmed that Pemex’s commitment is to maintain close coordination with the state government and apply all preventive and health control measures.

At the meeting, which was held at the House of Governors and was attended by the delegates of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Carlos Félix Medina Villegas, and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers ( Issste), Humberto Cabrales Aguilar, the secretary of Social and Human Development, Christian Castro Bello, reported that the delivery of six thousand liters of diesel has already been authorized for the pipes that will distribute water in the municipality of Calakmul.

For his part, the Secretary of Public Security, Jorge Argáez Uribe, stressed that the agreements made with Pemex yesterday at the Roundtable for the Construction of Peace, will help to create an environment of greater tranquility between the Carmelite population and the oil industry itself, because the levels of concern increased in the cases of contagion arising on the high seas. The head of the Ministry of Health, José Luis González Pinzón, reported on the state outlook for COVID-19 and stressed that maintaining inter-institutional communication is essential to stop the spread of the virus; while the representative of the 33rd Military Zone stressed that the elements of the army will continue to work in coordination with state and municipal authorities on health filters, the distribution of medical supplies and the strengthening of surveillance, and that of the National Guard reported that in the municipalities of Campeche and Carmen increased the number of gendarmes

Translation by: Patty Helen

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