«In Campeche we work as a team to guarantee the peace, security and health of the population,» affirms the Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González at the working session of the COVID-19 State Coordinating Center, which was held by videoconference with the undersecretary. of Planning, Prevention, Civil Protection and Peace Building of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, Alejandro Robledo Carretero.
The Governor means that the coordinated work of the officials of the three levels of government and the participation of the people have been essential to maintain, during this health emergency, the climate of stability and social peace, as well to strengthen prevention and control of COVID-19.
«In our entity it has been understood that working together, as a single team, and acting with responsibility and commitment we can achieve better results for campechanos,» exposed Aysa González during the chat with the federal official.

He commented that since last March 2 the federal, state, municipal and Armed Forces authorities began to strengthen together work in order to guarantee that the coronavirus pandemic does not affect the state, disseminating prevention campaigns and exhorting the population to apply the recommended sanitation measures.
He also mentioned that, at the same time, surveillance strategies in all municipalities and social networks were reinforced to disarticulate attempts in illegal acts and guarantee the climate of peace and security.
Stay at home, continue to apply the healthy distance and avoid going out on the weekend for the celebration of Mother’s Day.
González Pinzón
The executive secretary of the State Council of Public Security, Fernando Bolívar Galera, reported a preventive measure that authorities of 135 communities in the interior of the state decided to partially or totally close access to the towns, and only allow the entry to providers to guarantee food supply.
From his part, the state attorney general, Juan Manuel Herrera Campos, noted that in monitoring cases of complaints about family violence, the number of reports in the first quarter of the year did not increase, but it was similar to the registered in the same period of 2019. He estimated that such circumstance, despite the confinement that they live in family,it has been due to the application of prohibition of alcohol(Dry Law).
He reported that with the operations do to prevent the illegal sale of alcohol, 35 files have been raised and 45 people arrested, between April 6 and May 6.
Meanwhile, authorities of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) announced that they have fulfil with the disembarkation program for the company workers and supplier companies, managing to land 3,907 workers on land, and that they continue with daily sanitation in the installation of the marine terminal and platforms.
The Secretary of Economic Development, Ricardo Ocampo Fernández, gave an account of the actions that are carried out in support of entrepreneurs; meanwhile, the Health Secretary, José Luis González Pinzón, after pointing that in the state the epidemiological panorama COVID-19 presents accumulated 172 cases, of which 57 remain active and 22 have died, he asked the population again to stay at home, continue to apply the healthy distance and avoid going out on the weekend for the celebration of Mother’s Day.