Planned by its organizers for the 27, it will be done digitally to avoid crowds and subsequent infections. #Covid19

You could see it coming, and here is the confirmation. In a statement issued by the IncludeT Committee, it is officially announced that the 42nd LGBTTTI + Pride March in Mexico City will not take place as it has been doing for the past decades. This is due to the measures and indications of the authorities regarding the recent health events related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic. Pride marches have been canceled throughout the world. Seven days ago we told you that the one in New York, one of the most visible and historically crucial on the move, was also canceled.

However, Includes also announced that it is preparing virtual activities for June 27, the day the march was to take place. From 12 noon to 10 pm on that day, virtual activities will be held, «which will be accompanied by recognized personalities and committed to the cause, representatives of organizing committees of LGBT + pride marches in other states of the republic, organizations of society civil and of course, musical talent that will add so that, although not physically, together and together we celebrate with pride who we are ”.

This pandemic has changed many things that we took for granted in our lives. From things like facing challenges at work remotely, or even that the job is at risk, to not seeing family, friends, celebrating birthdays without being able to go out to a bar, or with the responsibility of not having meetings even in spaces safe as our houses. And now the way we make ourselves heard will change. The March has served for years to give us visibility and demand rights, it has been a time of year when we physically present ourselves, LGBTQ and allies, to show that we are a shit, that we see ourselves as normal, that we can also dance, laugh, and enjoy. This year we will not be able to do it the same, but it does not mean that they will not see us. That day we flood the nets with our presence, so that they do not forget that we have not yet finished this fight.

The full statement here.