From the privacy of their home in Miami, the family revealed what unites them, their success story and details of the next wedding they have at their doorstep.


icardo Montaner is immensely grateful for his more than four decade success as a musical idol. His entire family is committed to similar aspirations which is a source of pride for Montaner. Fun, creative, original and united, these are just some of the attributes of the Montaner “troop,” who are currently on the crest of the media wave due to their overwhelming amount of artistic activity.

The famous Venezuelan composer and his wife, filmmaker Marlene Rodríguez, opened the doors of their home in Miami with their children, MauRicky and Evaluna, and their son-in-law, Camilo. The entire Montaner family have captured the attention of the world by topping the music charts with their catchy songs. Mau and Ricky’s duo work proves that they are the perfect composing team having written songs for artists including  Ricky Martin  , Juanes, and  Thalía , among others.

Evaluna shines on her own. Apart from singing, her acting has stood out, especially when working with Oscar winner  Reese Witherspoon  in the movie “Hot Pursuit.” Currently, she plays the lead character in Nickelodeon’s youth series “Club 57,” as well as singing the show’s theme song. Camilo is a star whose work already has the necessary credentials to win a Latin Grammy for his success with ‘Tutu.’

Love runs true in the Montaner family. Ricardo and Marlene have been happily married for 31 years. The same luck is contagious as Mau is about to celebrate 3 years of marriage with the graphic designer Sarah Escobar. Evaluna and Camilo said “I do!” last year. Ricky is the next in line to reach the altar as he is engaged to Argentinian model Stefanía Roitman.

The Montaner Family
The Montaner Family

Ricardo, how do you transmit your experience to the boys? Do they ask you things? Do you let them discover the way?

Ricardo Montaner: I feel that it is not one thing or the other. I teach them … or if not they come and tell me: “What should I do?” I think that life is practiced by living. There is no pattern and no formula. Things happen and, in the midst of everything, we are living very happily, which is important. Facing everything, adversities, things that are not so pleasant, things that hurt, we also face them from love. When you face things from love, the conception of each event is usually special.

Ricardo and Marlene have been happily married for 31 years.
Ricardo and Marlene have been happily married for 31 years.

What family plans do you have?

Mau: More than plans, there are dreams to be made: so much music together that we can do, a huge family tour. We‘ve always enjoyed traveling together … I miss touring with my dad so much, I miss being my dad’s drummer so much. Apart from what I enjoyed playing, I miss mobilizing like a herd, a great camp all together … One of our great dreams is to live together traveling the world and singing to the people who follow us.

RM: Mau has had the idea of having a bus since he was a child, in which we all travel as a family. He wants to have some motorhomes and that they travel one after another as a family. And he wants us to say: “Tonight we meet at Ricky‘s, and tomorrow at Camilo and Eva Luna’s.” Go on tour together. Here it is very fashionable, in Mexico too. I remember that my long tours in Mexico were all on the road. I spent literally three months in big buses with a cabin in the back where I could sleep.

Ricky: Ricardo Montaner is the greatest example for us as a family. The dream of all of us is to be able to be like dad: forty years in this career and to be current, reinventing ourselves and creating music.

And everything remains in the family … They already have two of their married children, Mau and Evaluna …

RM: They are all married except Ricky … We’ll marry that one next year.

R: We are the rebels … (laughs).

Evaluna: But they are close … (laughs).

Evaluna and Camilo, have you thought about having a child?

E: It is not in our plans yet … But soon … (laughs). My dad already wants some grandkids …

“Ricardo Montaner is the greatest example for us as a family. Our dream is to be like Dad”.

At the 2017 Latin Grammy Awards, Mau, Ricky, were nominated for Best New Artist
At the 2017 Latin Grammy Awards, Mau, Ricky, were nominated for Best New Artist and Song of the Year for Vente Pa ‘Ca, in which they participated as songwriters.

Ricardo, are you ready to be a grandfather again?

RM: I already have four grandchildren by my oldest children —Alejandro and Héctor, the fruit of their first marriage— I‘m ready for my fifth grandson! Let’s see … Who signs up? And Mau is the one who raises his hand first: “I’ll sign up.”

How do you feel about the success of “Amen”, your latest musical release that you have done as a family?

E: I am honored. How nice that this particular song, which is a very clear representation of us, is reaching so many people.

Camilo: It is a song that represents us all. Without a doubt, the bond we have as a family. That bond we have is felt in every second of production and video.

Evaluna Montaner y Camilo Echeverry
Evaluna, who triumphs in music and cinema, and Camilo, the famous Colombian singer, were married a year ago: «Children? Not in the plans yet … but soon. Dad already wants to », she confesses

“It’s the easiest thing in the world to be Mau and Ricky’s sister, Ricardo Montaner’s daughter and Camilo’s wife. It’s easy because I feel extremely loved.”


Evaluna, you are daughter, sister and wife. Was it difficult to separate those roles?

I believe that I have not separated the roles. It‘s the easiest thing in the world to be Mau and Ricky’s sister, Ricardo Montaner’s daughter and Camilo’s wife. It’s easy because I feel extremely loved … I go with the flow …

As a family, what does Amen mean?

C: If you read the Psalms, you realize that anguish, suffering, and restlessness change throughout history. It is natural and is inherent in man since the beginning of humanity. Anguish is as natural to man as is the request for help. And it is a human reaction from the restlessness to scream for help. I feel that this song is the perfect vehicle for all the people who are going through a difficult situation and need to ask the owner of all the help for help.

Mau: It‘s amazing. One of the questions they always ask us is that when the whole family is going to get together to do a topic. It couldn’t happen any other way, with a message as important as this. This song has been written for more than a year, this was ready to be released in March, but we did not want to release it in full quarantine, we did not want this to seem like a coronavirus issue … Now at this time it serves a bit of relief after all that people have lived through this year, which has been a very complicated and different year for everyone. I feel as a family that this is the best way to give a message of faith … In some way, we have been a reference during this quarantine, for many people, on social networks, seeing how we are passing the quarantine … This song culminates that, like a last refuge, so you can hold onto that … Sixty million views in a week is historic for everyone.

Ricky: It‘s historical, it’s a spiritual song. When our father sent us the song we were on tour. And we knew it was something special.

RM: Artistically speaking, Amen went way beyond what we imagined. One is aware that a song like this once you release it does not belong to you. Once you release it, you let it go on its way. As far as God wants to take it, it will be perfect for us. We leave this song hanging for those who need it, it will always be there. That happens with music. Dozens of years can pass and whoever needs it will find it. And he will be there to take refuge.

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