… Justice did not reach the communities that are “cross of oblivion”
…In three municipalities they were carried out to benefit indigenous women
…With these actions, the attention of 991 people was achieved

“Justice did not reach the communities that are “crosses of oblivion”, that is why today we must collect the pride of indigenous women and polish the spotlight to realize how much light and how much life there is in these exemplary women; that is the new moment, it is the dawn of Campeche where we organize new ways of living, where we are all one and they are a fundamental part of our society”, said Governor Layda Sansores San Román at the closing of the Days of Access to Justice for Indigenous women.

The Governor, accompanied by the president of the Superior Court of Justice, Leticia Lizama Centurión, and the Secretary of Government, Aníbal Ostoa Ortega, led today the closing ceremony of the Conference on Access to Justice for Indigenous Women, organized by the Judiciary of the State in coordination with the Legislative Power and three municipalities.
In her speech in front of dozens of people gathered in the «Manuel Crescencio García Rejón y Alcalá» auditorium of Casa de Justicia, Ms. Sansores San Román stressed that everyone’s collaboration is needed for the triumph of the cause of women. That is why these Conferences were implemented in the municipalities of Champotón, Calakmul and Dzitbalché, where they had the support of the mayors.
She highlighted that indigenous women are tired of not receiving the justice they deserve; “We are tired of having a broken soul, of having the worst destiny of being a woman and being poor and indigenous. It’s over, the indigenous woman will have her place on her walk on the red carpet and when after climbing, working all her life, there comes a time when the blue mountains also open up and give way to the Mayan queens » .
He highlighted the phrase of the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, of «more territory, less desk», because with it the way of governing is changing, more so now that the Security Tables in Territory are implemented throughout the entity.
“I never believed that these words would reach the Court, because the judges are similar to former officials, from the desk they decide the lives of the people. We are going to comply with the truck that they ask us to take these great actions to all corners of the State, «she stressed.
The primary objective of this event is to implement training and awareness workshops, as well as the strengthening of indigenous women’s leadership; in addition to promoting preventive care, their economic empowerment and training them in human rights and gender equality.
It should be noted that these training and awareness workshops reached 991 people, of which 780 are women. 62 conciliation judges and secretaries were trained, 25 of them female.
For her part, Virginia Leticia Lizama Centurión, presiding magistrate of the Superior Court of Justice and of the Local Judiciary Council, pointed out that these actions are carried out jointly and the services are focused on providing support to indigenous women and clarified that the The main problem is domestic violence.
«Before, they were generally invited to take a course, they would return to their regions and that’s it, nothing more happened, so I appreciate being able to coincide with the Governor, because women need more services, not just justice,» she mentioned.
Mrs. Olga Ascención Torres, a member of the Xpujil Women’s Network stressed that women are not weak, “we are strong when we have an authority that supports and protects us like now. Before we were not listened to, but today we feel very proud because now they do listen to us. At last history rewards us, we no longer fight alone.
The event was also attended by the Secretary of Education, Raúl Pozos Lanz; the mayor of Champotón, Claudeth Sarricolea Castillejos; the mayors of Calakmul and Diztbalché, Luis Enrique Alvarado Moo and Roberto Herrera Maas, respectively, as well as the secretary of Protection and Citizen Security, Marcela Muñoz Martínez; and the Conciliation Judge of San Vicente Cumpich, Sarita del Carmen Mas Ucún, in addition to the deputy Liz Hernández representing the Legislative Power.

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